I have also looked at another students thriller which has had 3,516 views
as its very creative and has a great use of effects. They were given the task to to create a 3 -4 minute movie opening of the thriller genre.
Here are some of the feedbacks and comments they got to show what they done well and how they could have improved it.
wooow tht was realllyyy good!...the start looks amazinggg!!...i was like watching in awe thinkin why couldnt ours be like that haha! well done thohow did u get that effect that looks like a flashback thing...is their a name for it whats it called?? email bak
yeah first part is sick. love the Half Life sounds :D:D
very impressive i have one myself for AS media studies but its nothing on this :) well done :D
opening seriously had me thinking it was a true film
I really like the flashy images at the start of this - what software did you use for that effect?
Our thriller Missed an independent low budget production company which is relased on the internet on Blogger. It will get a cinematic screening and shared screening amongst my friends. it will get a DVD release of 200 copies as the internet could help our thriller gain more hits and a reach a wider audience.

As well as the Interent Missed could be seen in New Film magazines aswell for example this magazine promotes up and coming films so a wide range of people(17+) can watch our thriller as this would give it a major boost from a smaller audience . It has done promotions for star trek which had a 5-star rating.